Monday, November 5, 2018

Agent Carter

     In the five minute scene of agent carter, many aspects of the film are used, such as sound, angles/shots, editing, and mise-en-scene.
     First, we will start off with sound. Post-synchronized dubbing is used seconds into the start. The two characters talking is played over a cartoon film strip of the Marvel characters. Diegetic sound is also shown in the opening scene when the alarm goes off at the office and when the man answers the phone to listen to the emergency recording. Nondiegetic sound is added when the businessmen are walking up the stairs. In this case, we can hear the music but the characters could not have heard it when filming. An example of direct sound is when Agent Carter fights off all of the men (grunting and hitting), and when the character screams for help.
     Next, I focused on camera angles and different types of shots. Throughout the five-minute scene, most of the shots were taken at eye level, with an exception of a few. A point of view shot is shown when the man is on the phone and looks down at the piece of paper. We see the paper from "his eyes" to directly understand what he is looking at. Another point of view shot is when carter holds the picture of her significant other after taking it out from her desk. A high angle shot is briefly shown when agent carter makes one of her hostages get down on the ground and handcuffs him to a pipe. In this brief time where the angle is filmed from above it makes the character appear as small which is very symbolic because, at the time, he is very small because he has no authority and is being completely controlled by agent Carter.
     Some editing techniques were also recognized in the Agent Carter short clip. A cut is shown in the beginning scene when it transitions to a year from then, but this cut is also a fade because the colors fade away and the screen becomes black. Another editing technique that is shown in the five-minute clip is when agent carter is talking to the man maneuvering the spacecraft. The filming switches between the two characters to add suspense. Another example of editing is leitmotif, and this can be shown as when the alarm goes off. Even though leitmotif sound is usually nondiegetic, in this case, it is because the viewer and the characters all know that when that alarm goes off,  there is a crime happening that needs special assistance.
     Lastly, I recognized aspects of Mise-en-scene included in the agent carter clip. The setting in this movie starts off with agent carter at her office. We can tell that since Agent Carter is a girl, none of the men take her as seriously as they should, and this is shown when the scene changes and agent carter is knocking men out left and right at the gas station. Throughout the entire clip, lowkey lighting is used to convey a feeling of suspension and tension. This lighting is especially crucial when agent carter is at the gas station trying to get by all of the men in her way. Blocking is also another example of mise-en-scene that is shown in this clip when the two men were sent outside to tell agent carter she could not be at the gas station because of the gas leakage.

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