Friday, October 12, 2018

Five Master Shots with Sound Effects

Click here to view my five master shots with sound effects!

Non Diegetic sound- The clip we used to represent non- diegetic sound was the symbolism clip of the water bottle transforming into a tree. This symbolism clip represented recycling buy showing a re-usable water bottle eventually turning into a tree. The sound we chose to include in this clip was chirping birds. By adding the sound of morning birds chirping, it enhanced the value of nature and natural beauty through recycling. The mood of this video changed by honoring the natural sounds of nature. Without the sound, the video still has the same meaning but adding calming nature sounds really enhances the natural beauty of recycling. 

Contrast- The clip we used to represent a voice-over, was our contrast video. In our video, the scenes flip between both Lily and I casually getting homework done which is followed by us both rushing to get our homework done. This scene may have been confusing to viewers without sound, but when the sound is added the scene comes to life. For our first clip, Lily and I casually talked about how we had to get out homework done, and then in the next clip where we were rushing to get our work done we spoke in a more panicked voice explaining how we have little to no time to get our work done. Adding a voice over to this scene really gave a more clear understanding of what was going on in the scene and painted a picture of what an averages students school night might look like.

Parallelism- The clip we used to represent adding music was our parallelism shot. In our shot, we show us walking on a green screen which then turns into us walking on grass. The music we added was the song "I'm gonna be" by the Proclaimers. By adding the music to the scene it shows how the two scenes connect and are parallel to each other with a common sense of walking from one distance to another. 

Simultaneity- The video we used to represent diegetic sound was our simultaneity shot. Our shot shows two things happening at the same time (the murderer getting away, and the news searching for him). When recording our video, I talked, pretending to be a newscaster. This sound was already embedded in the video and the clip did not make sense without sound. 

Leitmotif- Another example of non-diegetic sound is represented through our leitmotif clip. Our clip is a clock ticking, with music slowly increasing as time gets closer to 11:59 when our assignment is due. Without the music, the clip would not be an example of leitmotif. The music adds suspense to the scene which represents what is felt when an assignment is very close to its due date. 

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed the use of the song "I'm Gonna Be" during the parallelism clip, it really showed the connection between the two scenes. Good work!!
